Monday, November 28, 2011

Better late than never... right?

So I dressed up as my Mom for Halloween. It was so awesome. It was also weird. When i'd see myself in the mirror I was get kinda weepy. I looked enough like her that it was playing tricks with my mind. So, here are some pictures of me and one of my Mom. Tell me what you think. :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Adventures of Arded part 2

It's getting really cold out side. Winter is here. Arded needs some sun shine in her life so she called her amazing sister Anig to tell her a story.

The story Anig told Arded was about a beach and the beautiful water. It was warm and the people at this beach were only there to bring you treats and sun block.

It was a happy place.

8 eggs

At work we have teamed up with some photographers. One of them came in to explain what corporate is up to.
This guy was awesome! We were all talking and he explained the "all your eggs in one basket" of dating.

You start with 10 eggs. You can have one egg in 10 baskets or 2 in 5. You just can't have more than 10 eggs. I really loved this and had to share.

1 egg - Your first date.
2 eggs- Your second date
3 eggs- Your third date

4 eggs- This is when you say you like the other person.
5 eggs- Physical touch other than lips. Arm around the shoulders or holding hands. Things like that.

You can still have 2 baskets with 5 in each. You get 10 eggs dating. Do with them what you will.

Kiss goodbye to one of the baskets!

6 eggs- Your first kiss. You only kiss one person at a time. So only one basket.
7 eggs- Constant kissing. When you are really getting to know the person. More than the fluff of eggs 1-3 . Also its the make out stage.

8 eggs- This is a big one. This Eggs is placed in the basket when you say "I love you"

9 eggs- This is marriage talk.
10 eggs- He bought the ring and it's on her finger.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why only 10 eggs in the dating game... The other 2 are when you're married.

11 eggs- Your wedding night
12 eggs- When she is pregnant.

I have 8 eggs.

Things I've done that you probably haven't

So I'm a late follower to trends. Dedra and Ryan already Sid this but I thought I'd take a stab at it.

- I've stayed up for 3 days straight making funnel cakes for people who looked grosser than I felt.

- I flew to Utah for the day to go on a date with my friend Devon.

- I was part of a flash mob on BYU campus and at Walmart.

- I have played cards in the coolers at Walmart.

- I have went to more festivals and fairs in one summer than most people go to in a life time.

- I went to 5 concerts in 5 days.

- I have waltzed wearing a period Renn dress and a cape in the middle of a park when a Renn faire wasn't going on.

- I have walked the main street in almost every major town in Washington state.

- I have been to the top of almost ever lighthouse on Oregon coast.

- I swam in the Puget Sound

- I have ridden and elephant

I invite you to post a blog like this one too.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fundango Week

Oh what a week!

Monday- I hate life. Work was long and I was yelled at by a crazy lady. My evening with Spencer was quiet and nice.

Tuesday- I worked a 12 hour day. It was really slow. Longest day of my life!

Wednesday - I worked 9-3. Dad got to town right when I was off work!!! It was awesome! We went hone for a bit. We unloaded his car. I got tons of my stuff from home.
Spencer came over and took us to the Jazz concert. The concert was AWESOME!!! I really enjoyed it.
We then went to dinner. It was fun to just visit with dad and Spencer.

Thursday - I went shopping with dad. We bought 16 pounds of butter and a washer and dryer set. We had fun!
We had our early Thanksgiving. We had a good turn out. It was fun.
After dinner Heather (how is also in town), dad, Katie and I went to walmart.
Miki spent the night. We stayed up til 1 watching a movie.

Friday - spent the day with Dad, Heather + kids in SLC. we went to Temple Square and walked around all day. It was fun.
Spencer and Dad set up my washer and dryer. I did 2 loads of laundry. Funnest loads of wash i've ever done!

Saturday - I worked 9-5. Dad went to Manti for the day.
Spencer and I Made dinner for Dad and Theron and Chris. Yeppers folks, my uncle Theron and his Wife Chris had dinner at my house. Throb is still fun. Chris is still crazy. Spencer is still my Favorite.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Adventures of Arded - the "fall" of lunch

Once upon a time there was a girl named Arded. She had an amazing sister named Anig. Anig and her boyfriend Recneps invited Arded over for lunch.

Arded put on her best red dress. (Arded only wears red. She is color blind and to avoid miss matched clothes she only wears red dresses.) She fixed her hair and she was off to see Anig and Recneps.

The fall colors are so pretty and Arded likes pretty things. So as Arded was on her was to lunch she got side tracked. Anig was so sad that Arded didn't show up to lunch.

Arded did love the pretty fall leaves.... She even took a picture!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spam... What they wont put in hotdogs...

So I don't really know how it started but it's now sort of a running joke. If I'm at the store and see spam, I'll take a picture of it and send it so Spencer saying "thinking of you"
He in turn keeps changing the background of my iPod to different adds for spam.
I really don't know how it started but it's funny. Granted neither of us would ever eat spam. It's just funny.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Idea Bad Idea

Good Idea: going to church on Sunday
Bad Idea: when visiting with the bishop you let it slip that you don't like RS...

Good Idea: walking to and from church
Bad Idea: listening to the RM sound track and rocking out as cars point at you and wonder if you're okay. (Guilty)

Good Idea: wearing your glasses
Bad Idea: wearing your back up glasses that look way different than your normal glasses to church and no one recognizes you. (That was special for me)

Good Idea: making cup cakes for the girls I visit teach.
Bad Idea: having my home teachers come over before I go visiting teaching.

Good Idea: making friends in my ward
Bad Idea: working every other sunday and making your RS pres think I need to be her personal project.

Pretty as a Picture

So as I was unable to move from my couch Spencer covered me up and took my picture. Some times I think he hates me.

Signs in Life

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I have a new phone.

I have a new phone. It is a smart phone for lame people. Spencer said "its okay, just not one I would have picked" haha well I heart it mucho. If tmobile had iphones I would have gotten one but they don't. Oh well...

Now for my favorite part. Random pictures! Spencer doesn't love this game. He deletes the ones of him. RUDE!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Spencer is a hacker!

Spencer... I love him a lot. Even when he hacks my blog and deleted the awesome pictures of him that I've posted.

Spencer, I love you.

I don't like the cat. She needs to be dunked in a trash can full of water.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Random Awesomeness

These are pictures on Spencer's phone. I love the one of him.

[Note from the guy whose phone was raided for this post: I snuck into Gina’s blog (shhh) and removed the picture of me from this post. Sometimes a guy is just experimenting with some random photo app on his phone and doesn’t mean for his mugshot to get upload online. That is all.]


Spencer did say I was Satan...

I am on Spencer's phone right now. He has more fun pictures that I do. Haha.

When Dedra was in town we when on an over night run to Sin City. I sent the first picture to Spencer from the road. The second picture is what he sent back to me.
I sure love that turd head!

Family Picture

Olivia, Spencer's little sister drew a family picture. From left to right: Stephen, Calli, Spencer, Me, Alexis, Matisse, Sam, Chris, Hannah. Olivia is the artist. When Spencer sent me this picture I was all smiles. It made me happy.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Favorite Things

I often say how I love listening to Spencer play the piano. This is a picture I took today while he was practicing. :)

I don't like the cat!

[This photo has mysteriously disappeared… Hmmm…]

[P.S. She secretly loves the cat]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Left Alone

I left my iPod alone for the grand total of 5 seconds. Spencer changed my rest screen. Last time he did that it said he hearted me. I heart him too.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lost and Found

Spencer is a sweet heart. When he took my purse he left me a trail to follow to find it. That was all in my purse.

He's nice. I heart him mucho.

Memory Monday - Supercuts

I miss Supercuts. I hearted it.

Ricky, a lady I worked with at Supercuts, always wanted to have Olive Garden for lunch. We would order out and then someone would pick it up. It was so fun when we did that. There was one time that she said my name to get my attention Anne then thwacked my forehead with a bread stick. Haha
Another time when we were cleaning up she said "look what I can do!" and jumped like Stuart on mad tv. She accidentally kicked the door that bounced back and hit her in the butt. That pushed her into the desk and knocked over the trash can. It was by far the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life up to that point.

Lacy, a CSR at Supercuts, and I were closing the night before we were getting our floors waxed. We had to sweep and mop because depending on the team that would come, that wouldn't get done and our floors around still be gross.
We had everything moved and off the floor. We were going to mop when Lacy sprayed me with the water bottle. This started a water war! Water bottles were used. I went to the sink and sprayed her with the hose! It was so fun! We were soaked but the floors were cleaned! Hahaha

Renee came in one time on her day off around 8:45pm. We were getting ready to close. He was drunk off her butt and was going to cut her boyfriend's hair...

Amy would come to work high after lunch. She always cut hair better after lunch... Funny how that works.

I was the only one that didn't smoke that worked there. Every other haircut it seemed they would go out for a smoke break. So I decided I was going to do that also. I would go stand outside for about 5 minutes ever other haircut. When they asked me what I was going I would say "i'm taking my smoke break" I loved hearing "Gina, you don't smoke." i would tell them how annoying it was for them to leave every 20 minutes for a break. That if yet wanted to smoke then do it on lunch and on the 2 breaks they get for working and 8 hour shift!

Most of my clients were kids under the age of 10, old people that were in their 70's or gays. It was a party.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Love Notes

Spencer wrote a love note on my foot. He's sweet... Or a turd!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Memory Monday - Christmas

Monday.... It's been a while...

So this memory Monday is going to be about Christmas.
Christmas was a big deal at our house. We didn't do birthdays. 
Mom would shop all year for Christmas. 

We open presents youngest to oldest. So Kyle and I would open together, Adam and Garen, Dedra and Heather, Ryan and Wendi, Mom and Dad. We had out spots in te living room. And on Christmas eve mom would tack a sheet up over the hall way so we couldn't peek. The we would all try to sleep with our head poking out of our doorways. There were many times Mom would give us a sleeping pill or tea to help us sleep. Haha.
One year we all got skates from Santa. As soon as I opened mine I thanked Mom. The said "...I mean Santa" Dedra and Heather didn't want to go play with outside. (It was Washington. No snow and not that cold.) So they skated in the kitchen while the rest of us were in the drive way. 

Another year we all got bikes. We went to the school and played. It was so fun.

I got baby dolls one year... We poked out the eyes and taped them to out foreheads and told mom we were aliens. We were brutal to those dolls. Mom said we were killers in training. 

After Dedra was Married Mom would send us to her house and we could come home in the morning. That way they could sort the presents and go to bed early with out having to fight the kids. Haha. It was always a party at Dedra's house.

The Christmas I got my midnight blue Ren cape Mom was so excited she told Kyle and I we could open a present on Christmas eve. She picked the ones we could open. She grabbed the wrong one for me. She swore and then told us we could open 1 more because mom wanted me to open a specific one. She got it right the second time. 
Kyle tried to talk Mom and Dad into opening them all at midnight. He was told no. We went to sleep. In the Morning Mom came and woke us up at 6. At 8 Dad came down the hall pounding on the walls saying "Let's Rock N Roll!"  when we came down the hall (Kyle and I were the only ones at home at this point) Mom told us that it was more fun when we were kids and we would wake her up. Hahaha.

I haven't been home for Christmas in a couple of years. Last Christmas I spent with Spencer's family. When Mati wouldn't get up Sam started playing revelry on the trumpet. Then Calli sent me up stairs to walk down with the other kids. They go in birth order. I am older than Spencer so I was at the back of the line! It was so different going from being one of the youngest kids to being the oldest. I wanted to stand by Hannah and Olivia. That's my place at my house. Haha. It was a really fun day. I loved watching everyone open their gifts. It's a free for all at Spencer's house. It was so neat!

Happy Monday. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The things that are

This is the first blog post in a long time. It's amazing him the lack of Internet can cut you off from so many thing. 

We'll do a good news minute:

*My new job is amazing. I love it a lot. I enjoy most of my coworkers. The one I don't enjoy doesn't bug as much anymore and we team sell really well together. 

*Dedra was in town for a couple of weeks. It was fun. We played, stalked Donny Osmond and even made a quick trip to Vegas. 

*I am all settled into my apartment. It's nice to feel like an adult. There comes a time when you out grow having roommates. So until a get married I don't plan on living with anyone

*I am currently listening to Spencer play the piano. That is one of my most favorite things. 

*Even though Craig isn't my favorite person a still work there sometimes. It's just random and when I want to show up. It's nice to have the tips and the play money.

That was a fun minute. 

Fun stories...
Spencer and I went to SLC to get my couch. It's spectacular! So my friend that we got it from didn't find a date for when we went to dinner. Spencer had a double date of the best kind. 1 boy 2 girls. 

The Kid at work I don't enjoy is Ken. I call him Kennerd. We race in sales. He's winning right now but I'm closer to my goal than he us to his. Muhahaha!!!

Things are going well for me. I'm enjoying being back in Provo. I enjoy being so close to Spencer. I am happy where I am in life for the moment. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm not dead

Just a quick update. To let you know I'm not dead.

 I moved back to Provo. I moved on the 4th of July. Spencer was awesome and spent the afternoon/evening helping me move and then putting my furniture together. He's awesome. I love him. He's for keeps.

I no longer have Internet.

I got a new job! That's right I said "PEACE OUT!!!" to Craig's and now work at Schubock Jewelry in the Provo mall. I heart it mucho.

Spencer and I went to the nickel arcade Friday. It's like a kid casino. We went with his home teacher and his wife. It was fun. I like them.

I am currently sitting on a couch in Spencer's living room listening to him practice the piano. He's only been playing a year and he's awesome. It's one of my favorite things getting to listen to him practice. He's a keeper.

Oh and to end my post I'd like to say I DON'T LIKE JIMMY OR BILLY!!! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

All rolled into one

So it's been a full week since I posted last. I don't love not having Internet. It ruins my life!

Memory Monday - My friend Katie and I had to make the diabetic dessert for the "Senior Saints" dinner when we were 16. We didn't have the baking splenda. We had about 500 packets that Katie stole from her dad. :) After opening all of the packets we were about 1/4 cup short. My mon said to just use sugar. Give the old people a treat. Katie and I weren't too big on killing people (yet) so we came up with a different plan.
We pooled our money and went to Denny's and bought a piece of pie. (The people at Shari's knew us. We didn't want band for life) We then stole all The splenda packets off the tables! Our waiter comes out and says "how come every time I turn around I hear sugar packets shufflin'?" Katie and I then emptied our pockets and explained what we were doing. He went in the back and brought out a big bucket of splenda packets and said we could take as much as we needed! 
We didnt have money for a tip so we left a full subway card and Pass along card. Oh and just so you know, the brownies we made were gross. The moral of the story is USE SUGAR!

Tuesday - I again have no story. Work was rather uneventful. I didn't see Spencer and it was so hot out side I wanted to cry.

Wednesday - Dave (My boss) closed the shop with me. He worked the front desk while I cut hair. Things he'd claimed I'd done he had to do. Such as turn customers away because we were booked for the evening. He was sweet justice! He also said as we were cleaning up that he couldn't believe how great I was. Haha I don't know why he was so shocked but what ever. In the bulk email with the next work schedule he added
"Standing Ovation for Gina. As the only stylist for three hours in Orem I was amazed how many quality cuts she provided while providing a personal experience to each client. And the seven steps every time too! Big hand for Gina!"
Guess who got full time hours again! Better yet, guess who's quitting! OH THAT'S ME! Muhahaha!!!

Thursday - ......... I don't know

Friday - Spent the evening with Spencer. I sure do heart him. 

Saturday - We went to Ikea in the morning. Then had a fun date that night. We went to dinner and then a late showing of Cars 2. It was really fun.

Sunday - 

Good Idea- going on vacation
Bad Idea- Not telling all your kids and also not having cell coverage. RUDE! (Dad, Guilty!)

Good Idea- Ikea
Bad Idea- not renting a uhaul when going

Good Idea- fun dates with Spencer
Bad Idea- there is no bad idea for this one

Good Idea- 70 degrees with overcast
Bad Idea- This 90 degrees with no clouds crap we've been having! (...oh how I miss Washington...)

Good Idea- packing all your things up before you move.
Bad Idea- wanting to move now because you are living out of boxes... (I was overly motivated when packing)

Good Idea- taking naps
Bad Idea- wearing pants (I don't know why I think pants are a bad idea. I just don't like wearing them! Viva No Pants!)

Good Idea- having a night light when you're scared of the dark.
Bad Idea- taking down all of your glow in the dark stars because your moving. (I know I'm 25 and that I shouldn't be scared of the dark but my room is scary now. I can't wait to move so I'll have my night light again!)

This was my week! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good Idea Bad Idea

Good Idea: styling your hair
Bad Idea: aloe Vera gel... It's not sticky 

Good Idea: moving into a new place that is all my own!
Bad Idea: roommates. (that's why I'm moving. Haha!)

Good Idea: ironing your table cloth
Bad Idea: using the table ad your ironing board

Good Idea: having a calling in primary
Bad Idea: crying every time a kid turns 12

Good Idea: having a fun lunch date with your friends
BETTER Idea: all ordering something different and sharing! WOOT!

Good Idea: new dresses
Bad Idea: getting your fabric be cutting up other peoples clothes with out permission. (Muhahaha!)

Good Idea: painting your toe nails
Bad Idea: wearing shoes

Good Idea: being ready for church
Bad Idea: basketball shorts with your white shirt and tie. (Spencer and Sam, GUILTY!)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ode to Katie Marie

Katie Marie and I have been Friends for 14 years.It was a big Day for us when we realized that we had known each other longer than we hadn't. haha. I have been going through some pictures and thought I's post a few of us being... well us. I love me some Katie Marie. YOU SHOULD TOO!

(We were on our was to audition for American Idol. Haha)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The crazieness is genetic

 These are my parents. Kent and Charlet Anderson. They had 8 children. Wendi, Ryan, Heather, Dedra, Garen, Adam, Gina and Kyle. I have gathered a few pictures that I like of me and my siblings. The pictures are in random order. These are some good times.

 Kyle got the chicken pox when he was 17. Those are pox not zits. We were on our way home from selling a parade. I think I had a date that night. That's why the rollers.

 This was a dinner at Wendi's house. I really have no explanation for this picture.

 I was in Kansas City with Dedra to see Wicked! (SOOO GOOD) We're Pretty.

 Kyle is a Civil War junky. His beard is eyeshadow. I drew it on myself. :)

 At a festival. Dedra and I are just awesome.

 Dedra was trying to drown me. She's rude!

 At Ensign Ranch. 

 Garen was in town because he had to go to the Hospital about a heart thing he has/had. After a day of being poked he came to Mom's house. Dedra, Garen and I played with the camera for about a half hour. FUN!

 After we shipped Kyle off to the MTC Dedra and I drove for 3 hours to have dinner with Adam. We then drove home. haha

 Same Dinner Trip... I don't know...

 Family Pictures! The 2005 Edition. Garen, Adam and I. I heart them.

 Heather Graduated! Yay her! This is Dedra and Heather making their Pretty smiles for the camera!

 Because My Blog is Private I can say this. These are the fun sisters!!! Wendi, Gina and Dedra!!!

 Wendi isnt a fan of having her picture taken. Dedra and I were Really holding her there. haha

 Ryan and I. I dont know how old we are.

 Me and Adam. 

 Garen and Adam. Partners in crime from day one.

 Adam and I. I am a fan still of annoying him! 

 Myself, Ryan and a doll. I think the Doll did his make up. Either way he's pretty.

 Garen, myself and Adam. I was 3 Adam 7 and Garen 8

 Adam, Myself and Garen. We were trouble.

 Kyle and I just chillin'

 Dedra and I. I think this was just random before church.

 Myself and Adam

Kyle and I last October. I HEART this picture!

Garen, Adam, me, Ryan and Heather. The Penguin was Kyle. He was on his mission. Ryan had tried to pinch my butt and then Adam did it! I was so picked on! haha

You'll hear people say "they are a product of their environment." Truer words were never spoken about me and my siblings. We are all loud, crazy, funny, AWESOME people. I heart them Mucho!