Monday, September 5, 2011

Memory Monday - Christmas

Monday.... It's been a while...

So this memory Monday is going to be about Christmas.
Christmas was a big deal at our house. We didn't do birthdays. 
Mom would shop all year for Christmas. 

We open presents youngest to oldest. So Kyle and I would open together, Adam and Garen, Dedra and Heather, Ryan and Wendi, Mom and Dad. We had out spots in te living room. And on Christmas eve mom would tack a sheet up over the hall way so we couldn't peek. The we would all try to sleep with our head poking out of our doorways. There were many times Mom would give us a sleeping pill or tea to help us sleep. Haha.
One year we all got skates from Santa. As soon as I opened mine I thanked Mom. The said "...I mean Santa" Dedra and Heather didn't want to go play with outside. (It was Washington. No snow and not that cold.) So they skated in the kitchen while the rest of us were in the drive way. 

Another year we all got bikes. We went to the school and played. It was so fun.

I got baby dolls one year... We poked out the eyes and taped them to out foreheads and told mom we were aliens. We were brutal to those dolls. Mom said we were killers in training. 

After Dedra was Married Mom would send us to her house and we could come home in the morning. That way they could sort the presents and go to bed early with out having to fight the kids. Haha. It was always a party at Dedra's house.

The Christmas I got my midnight blue Ren cape Mom was so excited she told Kyle and I we could open a present on Christmas eve. She picked the ones we could open. She grabbed the wrong one for me. She swore and then told us we could open 1 more because mom wanted me to open a specific one. She got it right the second time. 
Kyle tried to talk Mom and Dad into opening them all at midnight. He was told no. We went to sleep. In the Morning Mom came and woke us up at 6. At 8 Dad came down the hall pounding on the walls saying "Let's Rock N Roll!"  when we came down the hall (Kyle and I were the only ones at home at this point) Mom told us that it was more fun when we were kids and we would wake her up. Hahaha.

I haven't been home for Christmas in a couple of years. Last Christmas I spent with Spencer's family. When Mati wouldn't get up Sam started playing revelry on the trumpet. Then Calli sent me up stairs to walk down with the other kids. They go in birth order. I am older than Spencer so I was at the back of the line! It was so different going from being one of the youngest kids to being the oldest. I wanted to stand by Hannah and Olivia. That's my place at my house. Haha. It was a really fun day. I loved watching everyone open their gifts. It's a free for all at Spencer's house. It was so neat!

Happy Monday. :)

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't believe it when Mom made you open that present and then the second one! That's the year I was there for Christmas with the kids but Ken couldn't make it. She let me open a present that Christmas Eve too. It was enough solid colored fabric in enough colors to make a tetris blanket.

    I wish they would have taken a picture of us with our heads in the hallway. Classic. I may have to stage that one this year. AND we are definitely putting a sheet up.
