Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh Dedra! This is for you!

A Picture is worth a thousand words and there are 12 pictures here. I love you Dedra! Are you sure you still want me to blog??? Think about that and get back to me. :) HAHAHA!

Let us catch up a little...

So January was really the last time I posted anything... Its hard to blog when you don't have a computer. It's not like I forgot (DEDRA COULD NAG THE PAINT OFF THE WALLS!) my wonderful sister was so nice and gave me reminders of my lack off blogging often...


 I have a made a lot or really good friends. I love them and they are just as crazy as I am!
 Ensign Ranch was so much fun this year! I would say the best so far! We were crazy and had a blast!
 Devon didnt know he was in my spot but we did work it out. :)

 Dedra, Mom and I were able to stop by the Temple on the way to taking me to the Air Port. I am so glad we made Mom get out of the car. She didn't want to at first.
Yes I am wearing a swim cap and goggles. I am a sexy beast!

February - This was a hard month...

 I was trying to show river how to make meat loaf. It was fun. We got a little messy but is was so worth it! She now knows how to make it though!

My Mom Died on February 25, 2010. We found out her cancer was back and 28 days later she passed away. We all know she's having a party with Lyn and Grandma and Sherla!

 This is why we need a Mom! Dad can't control us!

 He tries hard...

March - Yeah March...
 This is what happens when you wait too long between hair cuts! Michael and Derek were way over due!
 I was able to Play with Janee and Tarilyn!
My roommates! I love me some of them!

April - I had fun in April!

 I colored on Devon's car A LOT! Most conversations started at midnight ended with "Lets go color on Devon's car!" Seriously, we tagged him at least twice a week!
 I went to Salt Lake and played.
 I stalked Donny Osmond
 Played in the Rain with other crazy people
 Derek and River got Engaged!
 I moved to a new place.
Andrew had a really fun birthday Party! I love when we all are able to get together!

May - ... yeah May

 House Warming Party. We had over 20 people over for dinner!
 Devon Wasn't mad at me anymore for coloring all over his car! Yay for that!
 I had a birthday. I'm 24 now. I dont really know how I feel about that... I did love that Katie got me pie and not cake! I love me some pie and Katie!
 Michael showed us the art of nurf gun wars! It was so fun. River shouldnt have been able to have the machine gun!
Dedra Moved back to Washington! I was able to see Cole, Dedra and Dad on their way driving from Kansas! YAY!

June - Yay June! FUN!
 Alexa Came and saw me! She was down for EFY. We had a water balloon fight with over 100 balloons!
 She came to church with me... yes we are at church in this picture. Yeah we are just that cool!
 Poor Michael yet another bra thrown at his head. Isn't the first wont be the last. Its just the risk he funs hanging out with Katie and I... lol
 Katie fits under her kitchen sink!
 I fit next to the sink!
I loved those Pajama Pants! I was sad when Michale said I had to give them back! RUDE!

July -
 Worked the 4th of July with the family
 Dedra and I being the Rock m' sock m' Robots!
 In South Bend on out way to see Adam
 In Long Beach.
 Dedra and I showing Kaylee that the pool is fun!
Some people mini golf... I like to be silly and take pictures... lol

August -

 The Roof Caved in on my apartment so I moved. Nice right?
 Derek and River got married!!! YAY THEM!
 The Most fun people ever! I love my friends!
 Derek, Tully and Andrew... Yeah got to say I love this pictues
River, myself and Sydni. 3 Hot ladies!

September -
 Katie and I attended a Women's thing it was fun
 Applebees... Shocker...
Yeah the puzzles... We have like 6 under the couch that are done and we have no place to hang them.....

October -

 I saw Blue October!!! YAY!
 I was able to go home for a few days! Seattle.. got to love Pikes Place.
 Lil' John's by the Seattle Temple. Dad baptized me! It was so cool.
 The Fun Sisters!
 Kyle and I being Awesome! I wish I could go home again!
 Sophie Jane Found her a Boyfriend. She has good taste in men. :)
Yes I did Dress Up and go trick Or Treating! I am that cool! Yes I did make my tutu! No I will not make you one! Muhahaha!

That is what is going on as of now. I will post again when I can. :)